3 Tips For Using Invisalign During Pregnancy

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If you are pregnant or thinking about becoming pregnant, you may wonder if you can start or continue invisalign treatment throughout your pregnancy. In most cases, you can safely undergo invisalign treatment. However, there are a few things that you should keep in mind and discuss with your dentist. 

If You Haven't Started the Process, Wait Until After Your Pregnancy 

The beginning of your invisalign treatment will require at least one full set of x-rays as well as molds of your mouth. Many dentists will not complete x-rays on pregnant women unless it is an absolute necessity. For this reason, you are better off waiting until after your pregnancy to start your treatment. However, if you have already started your treatment and become pregnant, you can likely continue your treatment without danger to you or your baby. 

Be Prepared for Extra Sensitivity 

During pregnancy, many women experience tooth sensitivity as well as sensitive or bleeding gums. This can make you more sensitive to the movement you experience with invisalign. Under normal circumstances, you may feel discomfort during the first few days after inserting new trays. However, your extra sensitivity during pregnancy can extend your period of discomfort. If your treatment becomes painful or the discomfort is too distracting, talk to your dentist about stopping your treatment and starting again after pregnancy. 

Make Sure the Trays Are In Place As Often As Possible 

Invisalign is meant to be worn all day and all night, except when you are eating or brushing your teeth. While pregnant, you may experience morning sickness that requires you to have your trays out more often, or you may eat more frequent snacks than usual. It is important to remember to put in your trays as soon as possible and keep them in whenever possible. However, keep them clean by rinsing your mouth and brushing your teeth after snacks or morning sickness before you put the trays back in. 

Adapt Your Treatment Plan to Fit Your Needs

Because you may be wearing your trays less than the suggested amount of time each day, it may take longer for your teeth to move. You may need to adjust your treatment plan with your dentist to make sure your teeth are ready for the next tray before you begin it. However, if your treatment stalls completely you may need to discontinue treatment and wait to restart it until you can wear the trays more consistently. 
