3 Options For Replacing Missing Teeth

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A tooth can be knocked out during a car accident or while playing sports, or maybe one of your permanent teeth never grew in. Missing teeth can make a person feel self-conscious, and not replacing a missing tooth may cause the other teeth to begin shifting, which can cause bite problems and may lead to tooth decay. Luckily, dentists have several options when it comes to replacing missing teeth. Consult your dentist to see which one of these options is the best choice for you:

Dental Implants

Dental implants are very strong and can last for many years; getting a dental implant involves your dentist inserting a titanium rod into your jaw and then putting a prosthetic tooth on the top of the rod adjacent to your gum. One of the reasons dental implants are so strong is because after the titanium rod is inserted into your jaw, the bone grows around it, making it very secure.

Getting a dental implant will involve several visits to your dentist over an extended period of time. During the first visit, the titanium rod will be inserted; this requires oral surgery, and you will need to be in good health to ensure that the surgery site heals properly. You will have a followup visit with your dentist so he or she can check the healing process and make sure that the jawbone is properly growing around the rod. When your dentist deems that the rod is secured, a crown that looks just like a natural tooth will be attached to the top of the titanium rod.

Fixed Bridges

If you need to replace several teeth in the same area, your dentist may suggest a fixed bridge. When you have a fixed bridge, the teeth on either side of the missing teeth will act as anchors for synthetic teeth that will be cemented or bonded into your mouth. The cementing or bonding process is very strong, and a fixed bridge can only be removed by a dentist. 

During your initial visit, the teeth on either side of the gap will be filed down to prepare them for the bridge. Your dentist will then take an impression of your teeth so the bridge can be made in a dental lab. After your bridge is made and sent back to the dentist's office, you will have another appointment to have the bridge placed and bonded/cemented into place.

Removable Partial Dentures

Partial dentures consist of replacement teeth attached to a base that resembles the gum line. Clasps are typically used to attach partial dentures to the surrounding teeth and gums. If you have removable partial dentures, you will have to take them out of your mouth regularly to clean them. It may take several weeks to become accustomed to wearing removable partial dentures; if the dentures feel to tight or cause extreme discomfort, visit your dentist to have them adjusted or re-fitted.

For more information, visit http://adazzlingsmile.com/ or a similar website.
